
發布時間:2024-05-05 閱讀:3616

hot wheels, gucci edition. master of the universe, shogun warrior.芭比娃娃“Rosa Parks”版,這些是美泰最新系列中的產品,但您無法在零售店找到它們。 這些產品是大型玩具零售商 Mattel Creations 收藏品組合的一部分,Mattel Creations 是乙個於 2020 年 8 月線上推出的數字收藏品平台,旨在豐富客戶參與度、加深客戶忠誠度,並為公司開闢新的智財權 (IP) 和收入**。

新冠疫情為新的業務發展提供了機會,美泰執行副總裁兼首席技術官 Sven Gerjets 將其描述為一家由公司技術組織、品牌部門和營銷團隊組成的內部創業公司。 “它始於 COVID 期間,”Gerjets 說。 “我們正處於乙個在家工作的世界裡,我們希望在這個新的生活世界中為每個人擴充套件數字產品,我們不知道我們會在這個世界裡呆多久。 ”


“我們知道我們必須建立乙個新的數字渠道,以吸引我們的收藏家,創造新產品並提公升體驗,”Gerjets說,並強調數字收藏品平台Mattel Creations不是他唯一的想法,也不是獨立於他的母公司。

我們所做的一切都與技術和業務緊密結合,“首席技術官談到公司文化時說。 “這就是我們專注於轉型的方式,無論是改變面向客戶的內容還是改變內部能力。 ”

1. 數字收藏平台美泰創意,為美泰收藏家提供新型體驗服務

像American Girl這樣的直接面向消費者的產品線已成為美泰業務的關鍵支柱,該業務已經遷移到Google Cloud Platform(GCP)和Google Analytics(分析)五年多了,以直接為美泰進行大量技術投資的消費者提供服務。

Gerjets表示,為了實現Creations,他和他的IT團隊不得不“轉向”Shopify的**零售平台(規模僅次於亞馬遜),並實施Blueconic的消費者資料平台(CDP)。 這位首席技術官表示,這樣做使美泰能夠更好地專注於特定的消費群體:美泰經典實體產品的收藏家,如風火輪和芭比娃娃,以及許多基於IP的產品。

Gerjets說:“Mattel Creations是乙個數字收藏品平台,最初是乙個核心平台,旨在提供新型的協作體驗,這是我們(在大流行之前)所沒有的。 他指出,美泰與流行藝術家和設計師進行了廣泛的合作,他們為美泰的超級品牌產品帶來了獨特的功能,包括風火輪、Gucci Edition; 一輛價值 500 美元的蝙蝠車; 以及與藝術家克里斯多福·賴特(Christopher Wright)合作創作的“Master's of the Universe Gorka”項鍊。

隨著零售店努力從大流行的關閉中恢復過來,新平台為美泰收藏家提供了獨特的**體驗。 對美泰來說,更重要的是,數字收藏品平台美泰創意(Mattel Creations)的成功將推動這家玩具公司大部分零售業務的重新平台化。

“一旦我們為收藏家推出了這個新環境,我們就專注於將我們的收藏家體驗整合到乙個平台上,”Gerjets說。 ”

例如,Creations現在包括美泰的Red Line Club,這是乙個獨家的風火輪收藏社群,“成千上萬的會員為體驗付費”,他指出,重要的是要找到並選擇合適的CDP,以新的方式吸引客戶,並加強客戶對公司的忠誠度和粘性。

2. 數字收藏平台 Mattel Creations 已成為公司直接面向消費者業務的核心樞紐

在幕後,美泰向 GCP 的資料遷移始於大約五年前 Gerjets 加入公司,推動了 Creations 平台的發展。 除了雲部署之外,美泰的 IT 團隊還與 Shopify 合作開發了乙個多租戶電子商務引擎,幫助 Creations 在疫情期間快速擴充套件。

“它必須具有規模和多租戶平台,因為當我們進行這些限量版投放時,數千種[產品]將在幾分鐘內售罄,”首席技術官說。 他補充說,Shopify還使美泰能夠在其創作平台中構建內容管理等自定義功能。 華東CIO大會、華東CIO聯盟、CDLC中國數字燈塔大會、CXO數位化調研之旅、數字江湖-武當講座、數字江湖-英雄傳奇、數字江湖-劍劍、CXO系列管理論壇(陸家嘴CXO管理論壇、寧波東錢湖CXO管理論壇等)、數位化轉型網路、走進燈塔工廠系列、ECIO大會、 等。

美泰花了大約 18 個月的時間將其頂級產品線轉移到 Shopify,此後 ** 已擴充套件到包括每個品牌的論壇。 Gerjets和他的團隊還與KL**IYO合作,管理銷售活動,並加強忠誠度驅動的業務線的能力,如American Girls。 據首席技術官稱,美泰還採用了DevOps平台Netlify與業務合作夥伴整合。

Gerjets表示,在美泰的GCP環境之上部署BlueConic的CDP將使玩具製造商能夠在單個資料中心上聚合營銷資料和分析。 例如,通過將 Blueconic 與 GCP 上的數字體驗平台 Optimizely 相結合,Mattel 現在可以實時試驗其忠誠度俱樂部,從結果中學習,並快速增長以推動更多業務。

Gerjets說:“Mattel Creations是乙個數字收藏品平台,正是我們能夠從頭開始,讓過去成為過去的地方,但它為我們繼續擴大公司規模創造了平台。 它已真正成為整個公司直接面向消費者業務的核心樞紐。 ”

根據 Gartner 分析師 Sandeep Unni 的說法,數字收藏品平台 Mattel Creations 是零售商為轉變其商業模式而創造的新價值流的乙個例子。

UNNI表示:“對數字收藏品平台Mattel Creations合作平台的投資使該公司能夠推出限量版收藏品,以滿足最有價值的狂熱購物者收藏社群的需求,包括當前的忠實使用者和新購物者。 這有可能為公司開闢新的智財權和收入**。 它還允許他們通過與新設計師、其他品牌和流行文化影響者合作來迎合最新的文化趨勢。 ”

美泰最近在歐洲推出了直接面向消費者的業務,並將繼續在全渠道營銷方面進行創新,並計畫推出其他產品,例如 NFT——代表美泰收藏品的數字代幣,例如風火輪汽車。

但無論創新如何,美泰的首席技術官都將確保技術部門與公司的品牌和營銷團隊合作,在整個企業中提供統一的體驗。 “技術可以成為一種工具,但我們需要車上的每個人都能夠創造商業價值,發展並推動整個公司向前發展,”Gerjets說。 ”

原文: Hot Wheels, Gucci Edition master of the universe, shogun warrior. barbie “rosa parks” edition.

these are just a handful of unique offerings in mattel’s latest product line — but you won’t find them in retail stores. they are part of the creations portfolio of collectibles launched online by the massive toy retailer in august 2020 to enrich customer engagement, deepen customer loyalty, and open up new intellectual property (ip) and revenue sources for the company.

the pandemic provided the spark for the new business ende**or, which mattel evp and cto sven gerjets describes as an internal startup-like initiative comprised of the company’s technology organization, brands division, and marketing group.

it started during covid,” gerjets says. “we were in a world of working from home and we wanted to expand out digital offerings with everyone in this kind of new world of living, which we didn’t know how long we were going to be in.”

in essence, he says, creations was mattel’s answer to a question companies continue to ponder even as the pandemic wanes: how do you grow, scale, and meet your customers where they are?

we knew we had to create a new digital channel that engaged our collectors and created new product offerings and elevated experiences,” says gerjets, who emphasized that creations, which has earned mattel a cio 100 award for it innovation and leadership, wasn’t his sole brainchild or an independent spinoff from the parent company.

everything we do is tightly coupled between technology and business,” the cto says of the company culture. “that’s the way we focus on transformation, whether it’s transforming something that is customer-facing or transforming internal capabilities.”

direct-to-consumer product lines, like american girl, h**e become a key pillar of mattel’s business, and serving consumers directly requires a significant technology investment by mattel, which has been migrating its operations to google cloud platform (gcp) and google analytics for more than five years.

to pull off creations, gerjets and his it team had to “pivot” to shopify’s online retail platform, second in size to amazon, and implement a consumer data platform (cdp) from blueconic, gerjets says. doing so put mattel in a better position to focus on a specific consumer segment: collectors of mattel’s classic physical products, such as hot wheels and barbies, as well as its many ip-based offerings, the cto says.

creations started as the core platform to do new collaborative types of experiences — something we didn’t h**e [before the pandemic],”gerjets says, pointing to a wide range of online collaborations with popular artists and designers who put a unique spin on mattel’s mega-brand products, including a hot wheels, gucci edition; a $500 batmobile; and a master’s of the universe gorka necklace made in concert with artist christopher wright.

the new platform provided mattel collectors with a unique online experience at a time when retail outlets were struggling to recover from pandemic shutdowns. more importantly for mattel, creations’ success would provide the impetus for re-platforming much of the toy company’s online retail business.

once we launched this new environment for collectors, we focused on consolidating our collector experiences into one platform,” gerjets says.

for example, creations now includes mattel’s red line club, an exclusive hot wheels collector community that has “thousands of members paying for the experience,” he says, noting the importance of finding and selecting the right cdp to engage customers in new ways and to strengthen the company’s loyalty clubs.

behind the scenes, mattel’s data migration to gcp, which began when gerjets first joined the company roughly five years ago, fuels the creations platform. in addition to its cloud rollout, mattel’s it team partnered with shopify for its multi-tenant e-commerce engine, which helped creations scale quickly during the pandemic.

it had to h**e scale and a multi-tenant platform because when we would do these limited edition drops, many thousands [of products] would sell out in minutes,” says the cto, adding that shopify also enabled mattel to build customized capabilities such as content management into its creations platform.

it took about 18 months to move mattel’s top product lines to shopify, which has since been extended to include forums for each of its brands. gerjets and his team also tied in kl**iyo for sales campaign management and to bolster capabilities for loyalty-driven business lines such as american girl. mattel also adopted devops platform netlify to integrate with its business partners, the cto says.

deploying blueconic’s cdp on top of mattel’s gcp environment enables the toy maker to aggregate marketing data and analytics on a single data hub, gerjets says. for instance, by coupling blueconic with digital experience platform optimizely on gcp, mattel can now experiment in real-time with its loyalty clubs, learn from the outcomes, and evolve quickly to drive more business.

this mattel creations store happened to be the place where we were able to start from scratch, and le**e the past in the past, but it created the platform for us to continue to scale the company,” gerjets says. “it really has become that core hub to transform our direct-to-consumer business for the entire company.”

gartner analyst sandeep unni sees creations as an example of new value streams retailers are **to transform their business models.

investing in the creations collaborative platform has allowed the company to present limited-edition, collectible items catering to the high-value collector/enthusiast shopper base, both to current loyalists and to attract new shoppers,” unni says. “this has the potential of opening up new intellectual property and revenue sources for the company. it also allows them to appeal to the latest cultural zeitgeist by collaborating with new designers, as well as other brands and pop culture influencers.”

mattel recently launched its direct-to-consumer business in europe and will continue to innovate in omnichannel marketing and with other planned offerings such as nfts — tokens that represent mattel collectibles such as hot wheels cars digitally.

but whatever the innovation, mattel’s cto will ensure the technology organization is engaged with the company’s brands and marketing groups to deliver a unified experience across the enterprise.

technology may be the vehicle, but we need everybody in the car to drive business value and evolve and propel the entire company forward,” gerjets says.

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