
發布時間:2024-04-24 閱讀:4036



the best days in the rest of life are not those dazzling days, not those prosperous days, but to stay away from the noise, live up to the youth, and enjoy a kind of peace in the gentle years. this is the beauty of life.


one's life is doomed to go through many tests and tribulations. it's better to pursue life than to constantly seek and progress.

與其不停地追求和完善,不如追逐生活。 人生的道路上,有淚水和歡笑,有苦澀和甜蜜,有侵略的淚水,有不懈的堅持。 與其讓自己被剝削,不如向別人索取。

on the road of life, there are tears and laughter, bitterness and sweetness, tears of aggression and unremitting persistence. rather than let yourself be exploited, ask others for it.

這也可能是心靈的問題! 就在深秋時節,我抱著尾巴深吸一口氣,渴望著山間流淌歲月的芬芳。

it may also be a heart problem! in late autumn, i hold my tail and take a deep breath, longing for the flowing fragrance of years in the mountains.

如果你心中有詩意,你的生命中就會到處都有幸福,你的生命中到處都會有美麗,你會看到花開,你會聽到花落,你會欣賞雨,你會聽到風,你會知道微風的意義,你會在世界上釀造葡萄酒, 生活不是風雪,而是雲與水之間的孤舟。

if you h**e poetry in your heart, there will be happiness everywhere in your life, and there will be beauty everywhere in your life. you will see the flowers bloom, you will hear the flowers fall, you will appreciate the rain, you will hear the wind, you will know the meaning of the breeze, and you will make wine in the secular world. life is not a wind, flower, snow and moon, but a lonely boat between clouds and water.

1.哈哈,這是在說我嗎? --瀘州回憶。


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文案誰去朋友圈的心,每一句話都是發自內心的,百萬分之一!歲月不老,卻一天比一天老,我們拉不動時間的衣服,拖不動時間的步伐,生活就像雪后的黃昏,雖然美好,但終究是一場夢。years are not old,but we are getting old day by day.we can t hold ...


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